What are the
chances that a child will predecease a parent?
A. <4% (~1 in
50 children)
B. 4%-8% (~1 in
20 children)
C. 8%-16% (~1 in
8 children)
D. 16%-24% (~1
in 5 children)
E. >24% (~1
in 2 children)
This is of
course a dispiriting question, since many of us are parents, and all of us are by
definition children who have parents.
None of us want to fantasize the loss of anyone in our family. Psychology teaches us that the only
natural drive is to see comfort and life for everyone we love. We write this article because these are
still important dynamics (life and death) that we are all -at some point- subject
to. And this has been the case
since well before the dawn of mathematics. Intriguing looks into probability models would allow us to
better think through and appreciate how these transitions occur and make any
life adjustments accordingly.
The answer to
the question, of course, is that it could
narrowly depend, on some key assumptions one might make about the problem and broad
hereditary characteristics. But otherwise
the correct answer is simply B (4%-8%).
One could justify, based only on the specific assumptions we
note later, that some of the other answer choices are feasible. But if we take away the highly-tailored
accompanying arguments, none of these other choices would ever apply.
The intensely agonizing
concept of a parent losing a beloved child has been around since well before Joe
Biden introduced this part of his biography in the 2007 primaries and ultimately
stated to military families in 2012:
No parents should be
pre-deceased by their sons or daughters … I, unfortunately, have that
experience, too.
Earlier this
summer Vice President Biden became the first sitting President or Vice
President, in 50 years, to again experience the loss of a child. But the odds from this statistic misguides
you in a couple directions, since it only reflects sitting officials (commonly
older than age 30), and also reflects the death of any child of a parent.
The probability of the latter, of course, increases with multiple
children (or when considering both
parents instead of the mid-parent).
This makes it doubly unfortunate this year for the Vice President.
But what happened
with 46 year-old Beau Biden has been sadly copied through all time, for many
people and in many stations of life.
I personally know nearly 50 people in this situation. 16th
century English poet William Shakespeare wrote in King John:
Grief fills the room up of
my absent child,
Lies in his bed, walks up
and down with me,
Puts on his pretty look,
repeats his words,
Remembers me of his
gracious parts,
Stuffs out his vacant
garments with his form.
century polymath and one of the Founding Fathers of the U.S., Benjamin Franklin
had a more uplifting take in a condolence letter to a family member:
… it is the will of God and
Nature that these mortal bodies be laid aside, when the soul is to enter into
real life … a man is not completely born until he be dead: Why then should we
grieve that a new child is born among the immortals?
Similar to our
working with the U.S. government actuary tables in previous articles, we can
not probabilistically model this in a theoretical closed-form, but must instead
rely on an open-form computer model.
We prove the solution here through myriad of 10,000 simulations per
assumption and per life table. We
also introduce the 1980 life table, and repurpose the 1950 life table that we’ve
learned from prior articles (here, here, here). The 1950
table allows for the mid-parent to be roughly 30 years old (1980-1950), when
the child is born ~1980. These
assumptions cut through the middle of the population distribution.
Below we show
these 2 death distributions, superimposed on top of one another, for the
mid-parent and the child. For the
more modern actuary table (see the yellow distribution below), we can freely censor
beyond the 2nd highest life increment of 85 years. Since even with a number of humans ever to live, well exceeds 100 billion (so a
remarkable ~95% have expired, mostly with heartbreak), there has still been zero cases where a child lives to even
80 and still predecease their parent.
So the entire probability math here remains correct even with this
difference in approximation at the high-end of the two government life tables.
To get
accustomed to this death chart above, we can appreciate that 94% of mid-parents
born in 1950, are alive at age 30.
Babies born in 1950 had a 3.5% mortality rate before they reached age
5. By 1980 we see this statistic
improve to 1.5%. But things
balance out a little later, as both cohorts have an equal 6% mortality (through
age 30). And this bias is
pertinent, since we only use the mortality for those born in 1980 in our
analysis. The mortality of
children born in 1950 could never later become parents!
Additionally, ~45%
of children born about 1980 will be alive beyond their 80th birthday;
a segment we noted has always outlived
their parents in absolute time (assuming similar age difference tables). The popular media should never quantitatively
and grammatically baffle medical
research in headline language, as has been the case recently (here, here, here), that children currently are expected to die before their
parents. A quick look at the chart
above shows that is absurd (used twice) to say this is the typical case, in absolute time. What the news media confusingly meant
is that relative to their own birth,
the life expectancies of children are briefer (incidentally due to obesity for which Coca-Cola foolishly purports to have no responsibility).
Next, we show
the typical random match-ups in the family death years. See the sample distributions below
(sorted by death of mid-parent).
It is imperative
to also assume that due to genetic factors, those children’s deaths tend to
deviate from the norm somewhat similar to how their parent’s deaths deviate
from the norm. This is basis for modern
regression analysis, invented by 19th century English scientist
Francis Galton (and cousins to Charles Darwin). One can see (here)
my Statistics Topics book or recent Georgetown lecture notes, for the original
crude sketches Francis Galton used to think about his tangled concepts, which we currently use in a simpler version. Such as confidence intervals, and
distributions of dependent and independent variables. Studying the stature of hundreds of children and their
mid-parents, Francis Galton authored in Anthropological Miscellanea that extreme
heights in parents were only “partly” transferred to children:
The experiments showed
further that the mean filial regression towards mediocrity was directly
proportional to the parental deviation from it.
And therein lay the
birthplace of the prevailing commonplace expression, “regression towards the
mean” and the general popularity of the term regress. Similar to our death data we see a
similar “regression” dynamic on the extremes; else we’d currently be living in
a universe exclusive to freakish extremes. Infant
deaths and centenarians (all of who are all either midgets or giants!) While Francis Galton didn’t invent the
concept of correlation (ρ, r),
we’ll use it to encompass our dynamic here. And so we’ll also redo this illustration with a correlation
of ½ between the child and the mid-parent. This is up from the 0% correlation we had earlier (implying
perfect independence). We’ll instead sort this time by the
death of the child, so that you can see the illustration both ways.
One can notice
that unlike with r=0,
here whenever the yellow marker is on an early date, there are far more red markers below that time in the case of r=½.
In other words, with some correlation, fewer parents die at a later time
(after their children). We are still at (but on the low end of)
the 4%-8% probability range for a child dying before the parent. So answer B above is still valid.
Note that if we
stretched ourselves to absurdly assume a r=-1, between the child and the parent,
then we’d fall into answer C.
Additionally, only if we
assume the probability analysis begins at a later stage of a child’s life (say
a 60 year old “child”, as opposed to a child at birth), then clearly only then could
we justify a lower probability solution (i.e., answer A).
The math cleanly
works so that -at some point- a child would grow up to be a parent himself or
herself. And this child is less likely
to die ahead of his or her own parent, then to die ahead of his or her own child. The opposite is senseless (though only
rarely possible), where a grandparent
sees his or her own grandchildren dying followed
by the death of his or her children.
We can see an
additional illustration to help show these death distributions. In the two, dual illustrations below
(one for r=0, and another for r=½), we first show -in the top row- the upper
and lower halves of the parent’s death distribution, in addition to their
paired distribution for the child’s death. Second we flip this around and show –in the bottom row- the
upper and lower halves of the child’s death distribution, in addition to the
paired distribution for the parent’s death. Again this one is for r=½.
Finally, we give
a scatter point of the bi-variate death distributions, so that we can see the
frequency of children dying in relation to the parent. For ease, we show only one plot, at r=¼.
We can clearly
see that roughly 5% (still within answer B) of the deaths fall beneath the dark
red colored equality line. And the
distribution beneath this dashed line represents where the child predeceases
the mid-parent.
We note that more than half of the U.S. Presidents
have had children predecease them!
This high fraction is mostly due to any
child qualifying. For the 6 most
recent cases (covering 15 Presidents in a span of >85 years), we disclose
those ages on the chart above for
illustration only. Albeit the
life tables for most of these don’t fully correspond to the tables we have used
above. For George H. W. Bush, we
simply show him at his current age since he is not deceased. With these data all hugging the bottom
of the chart, we see the bias referred to earlier.
Now some may have
tried to answer different questions, including what is the probability that any parent will pass away after any of their children. Instead of focusing on a single child and a single parent, we open up to more complex probability mathematics. Clearly
there could not be a specific upper-bound on how high this probability could
go, particularly once we include the possibility of a various death scatterings among parents and children. So only
in this case either answer D or E could apply. Again, if you were not thinking about specifically
incorporating the trivial probability
example of having multiple children and parents’ combinations, then answers D
and E would never apply.
We wrap-up with
a small sample of recent celebrities who have either been a child predeceasing
the (adoptive) parents, or a parent being predeceased by a child.
1. River Phoenix
7. Charlie Chaplin
2. Gary Coleman
8. Johnny Carson
3. Cory Monteith
9. John Travolta
4. Steve Jobs
10. Marlin Brando
5. Amy Winehouse
11. Paul Newman
6. Michael Jackson
12. Mike Tyson
On an aside: Thanks to awesome readers and followers
such as you, this blog has recently surpassed ONE MILLION reads on Google+!
A milestone in a continuum of progressive actualizations. Additionally there have been recent front line, Zero Hedge articles (here, here) citing this blog (including one that otherwise only cited investment force Goldman Sachs). And a recent blog article was shared by Jeffrey Carter (recent Board member of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange).
A milestone in a continuum of progressive actualizations. Additionally there have been recent front line, Zero Hedge articles (here, here) citing this blog (including one that otherwise only cited investment force Goldman Sachs). And a recent blog article was shared by Jeffrey Carter (recent Board member of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange).
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